



            в 9"Б" классе МКОУ СОШ №16



          Учитель 1 категории Горелкина И.А. 

15 ФЕВРАЛЯ 2013


 Вид урока: урок-конференция

Оборудование и материалы: проектор, ноутбук, экран, листы с заданиями, исследовательские работы учащихся для оформления выставки, программа конференции и анкеты по количеству участников.

Предварительная работа:

В течение всего учебного года десятиклассники работают над научно-исследовательским проектом поэтапно: выбор темы, описание актуальности выбранной темы (введение), литературный обзор, разработка практической части исследования – определение методов исследования, составление вопросников, анкетирование учащихся, обработка результатов, описание полученных данных, составление графиков, диаграмм и гистограмм. Написание выводов и библиографии. Переводческая деятельность, работа со словарем и составление глоссария по теме исследования. Работа оформляется на двух языках: русском и английском. Над разработкой исследований трудятся учащиеся одной подгруппы.

Цель: познакомить учащихся с результатами исследовательских работ по теме: "Проблемы молодежи".


Обобщение знаний учащихся по данной теме с употреблением изученной лексики и грамматических конструкций,

Развитие творческих способностей и воспитание интереса к изучению английского языка,

Совершенствование умений работать в малых подгруппах,

Развитие исследовательских интересов старшеклассников.

Ход урока:

I часть Организационный момент

1.1. Учащиеся садятся на свои места по рабочим подгруппам.

1.2. Приветствие учащихся.

1.3. Знакомство с темой и планом урока (знакомство с программой конференции).

Welcome to the conference devoted to the “Youth problems” / “Problems of teenagers”. We are very glad to see you and first of all I’d like to introduce our guests.

Today we’d like to ask and answer some questions:

Do young people have problems?

What difficulties do they face in real life?

Can you answer my question, please?

Who is a teenager? How old is this person?

As you know the word “teenager” comes from English language. And it means a person who is at the age from 13 to 19.

Has a teenager got problems?

What are they?

Young people can meet difficulties everywhere: at home, at school, in the street. They face to different problems. They are…

at home with parents

at school with teachers and classmates



using drugs


using alcohol drinks

getting and spending money

relationships with lovers

II часть Основная часть

2.1. Выступления учащихся

Group works presentations

10 -formers have prepared their reports about problems of teenagers.

You are pupils and every day you come to school. You get on with the classmates and teachers, but it isn’t very easy…. Do you always understand each other? What problems do you solve at school? Do your relationships with them tolerant? The first group tells us about RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS.

All people know about harm which they can get using cigarettes, alcohol or drugs. But unfortunately we know such fact as using them not only by adults and by teenagers too. When young people start doing it they don’t think about their health and further problems.

Is it an actual question in our school?

Do pupils in our school drink alcohol?

Why do they smoke?

If anybody use drugs?

Students from next group have researched “DRUGS ADDICTION”.

To choose right way in the life isn’t easy. Youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. We need good education to find a well-paid job. And if you want to be a skilled specialist you need higher education.

A year later you leave the secondary school. You’ll choose which opportunities and life way to go on. Our next work group is going to tell us about “CHOOSING FUTURE PROFESSION AND FURTHER EDUCATION”.

As usual, our first problems we meet at home. All parents are different: some are democratic, other – liberal or authoritative. About “PROBLEMS BETWEEN ADULTS AND CHILDREN” is this report.

Game “Youth problems”

Работа в 4-х рабочих подгруппах. Учащиеся делятся на подгруппы согласно цветовой гамме программы конференции (зеленый, синий, красный или белый). На столе лежат конверты с заданиями. Учащимся предлагается познакомиться и выполнить задание за 7- 10 минут (решить проблемную ситуацию, в которых оказались подростки). Далее задания представляются остальным подгруппам.


In this family there are twins, 11-graders. One of them wants to enter a medical university, the other wants to be a military officer. And their parents want them to enter Saint-Petersburg State University, the same department. Their friends try to help the twins and give different advices.


In your family there are 5-7 children. The parents want to spend a weekend together with all the family. But one of the children wants to go for a walk with the friends, the other – to stay home and play computer games and the eldest child has fallen in love and wants to go for a walk. Their parents try to solve this problem.


You are students of the 11 grade. Most of you don’t study hard and perfectly. You like having a rest and doing nothing. So, misunderstanding with teachers is an actual problem in this class. Some pupils smoke and drink alcohol. And one boy has started to get on with strange people who are much older him and sometimes they use drugs.

How can we change the situation? What must teachers do to help school-leavers?


Your teacher is very strict and authoritative. Most of pupils haven’t done their homework today. Some boys and girls haven’t taken the books. When the teacher begins to ask pupils she understands they are not ready for this lesson. As a result, she is getting very angry…

How can this problem be solved?

III часть Заключительная часть

Discussion and revision of the conference.

I like…

I dislike…

As for me, the most interesting thing was …

I think…

I don't need…

According to my opinion…

By the end of our conference I’d love you to fill in the questionnaire